Monday, January 11, 2010

A split

So I didn't change blog providers, I simply started a new blog on Tumblr and will keep it for different reasons than this one. Come visit me here.
A lot of stuff has happened since I last posted. Sarah is almost completely moved out, and yesterday my mom and I moved my desk into the empty(ish) bedroom. We wound up having to take the doors to both bedrooms off their hinges in order to fit the two pieces of the desk through, and then wound up having to take the desk almost entirely apart to get it into the other bedroom at all. I know one piece of large, ungainly furniture that will NOT be coming to the new place with me. I guess that's not really a lot of stuff, but it was certainly an adventure.
I'm taking this cooking thing really seriously and I'm going to try to start a Wednesday night cooking club for my friends who don't cook. It's a life skill and when you get to be in your twenties, someone should be shaming you into learning how to cook if you don't already.
I do love food.


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