Monday, April 20, 2009

Ottawa Opulence

So, went to Ottawa last weekend, and a what a fine time it was! I got to see the Parliament buildings, a LTTE (Tamil Tigers) demonstration at said Parliament buildings, went to visit my lovely, wonderful great Aunt Mary, and saw inside the dreaded apartment of one of my oldest and dearest friends. And he has a cat named Bogart who is stone deaf. The very fact that he has a cat amazes me, because he's inherently a dog person. Who woulda thunk it?
To your left we have a great shot of the Tamil Tigers and their flags in front of Parliament. They were pretty peaceful, but Canada considers them terrorists. Hmm.
Tea and cookies with Aunt Mary in the sunroom.

Shap and Bogey. SO CUTENESS! He clearly adores this cat. He would shove his face in the cat's nose and yell "Don't love me, Dan, don't love me!" Priceless.
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Sunday, April 05, 2009


I'm going to Ottawa on Friday for the first time since high school. I think high school, at least. Probably 7 years, I'm just going over it with Mom now.
I actually really like Ottawa. I used to go there a lot as a kid because my mom's best friend Julia and her family live there. I like the old-world feel of Ottawa, and I like the museums. Parliament doesn't really float my boat or anything, but the history of the place and of my country I definitely enjoy.
I look forward to taking pictures this weekend, even if the weather isn't nice. If it's really cold I'll probably limit my movement to places that I can catch a bus back to Julia's house. They live in Barhaven, a suburb of Ottawa that isn't exactly close to the downtown core.
Anyways, I'm excited to get away for a weekend. I haven't been away for real (longer than a day trip, I mean) since I went to the cottage over Labour Day weekend and I think this will be good for my head.
