Tuesday, November 28, 2006

1 more test!

Ooooooh I'm so excited! I have one more test to go, and then I'm officially half way through my university career! Woohoo! I'm also lucky enough to be free for 5 weeks, but since I'm not getting enough hours at work I'm not sure how good that is. I'll be able to get some home improvement jobs done, but whoop-de-do. There's no money in that.
Anyways, tomorrow I'm going to dress fabulously and head downtown to the Eaton Centre, where I will do all of my holiday shopping. Then I'm going to meet Brad for lunch and we're going to have a lovely catch-up meal. I'm just happy to have a free Wednesday. I haven't had one since August, and it will be nice to hit the mall and get my shopping done before the holiday rush truly begins. And of course, it will be nice to see Brad.

-Laura Rose


Rohit said...

So what's so super about your pet, anyhow?

Laura Rose said...

Welll....she happens to be really stupid, and that makes her super because most cats are really smart and she just does all sorts of stupid funny things because she doesn't know she can't. And she's SUPER CUDDLY, which makes her even more super. And she's SUPER CUTE. And SUPER PRETTY. She's generally just a super Emily.