Friday, November 03, 2006

Good morning!

It's time to go to school. I feel like one of those children's shows where they're unbelievably perky and jumping all over the place on the outside, but you know when you look at them that on the inside they're asleep and the perky behaviour is actually sleep walking.
Today I have my Shakespeare tutorial from 10:30-12:30 and I haven't read either of the plays from the last two weeks, both parts of Henry IV. After that I have my infinitely more interesting Gender Studies tutorial, in which we will talk about Dionne Brand and her distinct method of writing as a Black lesbian woman with ties to Trinidad, Grenada, and Toronto. As I said, distinct.
Then I have work from 3:30 to 9 pm. Hopefully after that I can come home, work on my Shakespeare essay, and sleep.
Ciao for now.

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