So I was thinking about the title of this website and how weird it was that I only had one picture of my superpet up. Here she is, though, in all her tiny black glory. She's just too cute for words, honestly. This picture was taken on the day that Mom and I went to Futureshop and replaced all that stuff that was stolen from me when my house was robbed in August 2005. She was completely obsessed with getting inside all the boxes and making as much trouble as she possibly could. She was also one of the first pictures I took with my brand new digital camera.
Here she is in her favourite spot, right on my lap, relaxing. She hates in when I read sitting on my bed, so she comes and makes herself as annoying as possible in my lap. But I love her anyway :D
I was thinking about the weather today and wishing that campus still looked like this. Right now every passage between buildings is a veritable wind tunnel, blowing icy gusts of air against students and strees and construction barriers. None of the many trees have leaves, so everything has sort of a grey cast to it. Very sad. If anything, there needs to be snow so campus can be somewhat visually stimulating again.
Here are my two babies eating cat grass. It's the rare time that they're not trying to bite, scratch, wrestle or jump on one another. Xander isn't a very aggressive opponent, but Emily can be quite the force to be reckoned with.
Another moment of tentative peace, until Emily tries to get on the window sill and Xander pushes her off. He's so heavy that the window sill in that room has actually fallen crooked on one side.
That is my entry for today. I have an essay to write on two minor characters in one of Shakespeare's plays that is due on Wednesday, plus a grammar test on Tuesday night. I think I'll write on Oberon and Titania from "Midsummer Night's Dream", but I'm not sure what to say. Toodles!
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