Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blow haaaaard

You ever meet a person who looks so good and so awesome and then he opens his mouth and he's just a bloooow haaaard? I'm listening to one of them right now. He says "I" and "me" a lot and goes off on strange tangents and to tell you the truth, as cute as he is, I'm not interested anymore. He's expressing admiration for his mother right now, and that's all fine and good but he's still a big talker.
Anywho, I don't care.

Today FESA had a cupcake sale organized by yours truly (and Adrienne, she was awesome about baking and setting up and booking the room) and it was a SMASHING SUCCESS! We made $366 for Wikondiek school in Kenya and that just makes me so happy. Part of my job description is to raise money for that school and I take pride in going the extra mile to really help them out when they are in so much need. Lindsay R says it's the best FESA bakesale to date, and that's AWESOME! Woohoo!

Now back to Bryna's house to exercise the bunnies and clean up. Not that I left it messy. Not at all, I just need to take out the garbage and collect the rest of my stuff.


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