Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Black and Decker idolatry

In the words of my absolute cooking show idol, YUMMO! Right now I am, among other things, baking a challah bread in my very new Black and Decker breadmaker, making a reading schedule to organize my troubled mind, and drinking a lovely mug of vanilla early gray tea.
I've been home all afternoon getting things done, this and that, some TV watched, a PowerPoint presentation on the Ontario Referendum completed, a shower taken, and other such things. Wednesdays are a rather wasteful day for me, and I don't appreciate them at all. I go to school for one hour, and then come home again. Sometimes I get back on the bus at 4:45 and go to work, but not today. I'm glad I was somewhat productive, though, because now I can teach tomorrow and I can also get back on top of my readings.
This year, I have to admit, is one I'm not at all enthused about. A lot of my classes are unexpectedly dull, and some of my teachers are downright terrible. I'm trying really hard to keep a positive outlook on things, to stay motivated and do my work, but it's more difficult than I had imagined.
Tomorrow I get to teach, and I'm really excited about that. I like most of the kids and since they don't know me very well yet, I hope that I make a good impression on them tomorrow. I haven't been as proactive as some of my other TC friends in planning lessons and taking charge, but I hope tomorrow marks the beginning of a semester full of learning experiences.
Right now I'm listening to "Being for the benefit of Mr. Kite" by the Beatles on Quite a great site and some very awesome music.
I've also been planning my birthday parties recently, so that's something to look forward to. 19 days until I'm 21. Pretty crazy!
And of course Harry the horse rules the world.


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