Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ode to the Porcelain Gods and other such oddities

Do I have to explain? No, but I probably should. From 7 pm to 7 am, September 29th and 30th, I roamed the streets of downtown Toronto searching for meaning in my life through art. The city was alive with Nuit Blanche, a self-proclaimed "all night contemporary art thing", and it was spectacular. The above pictures should give you just a sweet, addictive taste of my exploits that night. I was among friends all evening, and it was memorable.
On a less cheerful note, on Wednesday my grandmother, Amy, took a fall outside her home in Edmonton and destroyed her elbow joint. She's been in the hospital ever since and yesterday they surgically reconstructed it. Gramma is 83 years old, which I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate me divulging, but she's a real spitfire and I know she'll make it through this. I just hope she's able to come to terms with her own weaknesses in this situation and allow the people in her life to help her in every way they can.
Mom and I can't go out there; we can't afford it, financially and time-wise alike, so we have to depend on the kindness of people living 3000 kilometres away from us to get Gramma through this ordeal. I'm not a spiritual person, but I'm pretty thankful she wasn't hurt any worse than she was.
Right now I'm more exhausted than I've ever been in my life, and it's a pretty weird feeling. I need to clean out my backpack of any survival items that remain after last night, and then I can go to bed.
Tomorrow is October, by the way. Tempus fugit.

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Rohit said...

Tempus fugit indeed, my dear Lolo.

Anonymous said...

How are toilets art? They are jsut toilets!

valerie salerie said...

ah, nuit blanche was one of the events in toronto going on during my departure weekend.. it looks like it was a great exhibit!

did you check out word on the street? i was volunteering w/ them this yr--if you did, i hope you noticed and appreciated the glowing white signs which were individually Fantastik-ly cleaned!