Monday, May 04, 2009

Someday I'll fly away

I'm going to Europe this summer. Isn't that just awesome?
Here is the trip I'm going on: European Highlights. I'll see England (but I'll be arriving 5 days in advance so I can take my time), France, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands before coming back to London for an evening and flying home the next day.
I'm so, so excited. I think it's going to be so much fun!
Here are some pictures of some of the places I'm going to see:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Laura, There is a big blank space there. I haven't been to many of those places but the first picture definitely struck a note with me. I loved Amsterdam. WE walked for miles along streets like that one, with interesting buildings on one side and equally interesting boats in the canals. Once out of the main square there was a certain calm about the place, and not a bit of smell that I thought there would be from so much water.
I hope each place that you visit this summer touches you in some way and leaves you with lasting memories.