Sunday, April 05, 2009


I'm going to Ottawa on Friday for the first time since high school. I think high school, at least. Probably 7 years, I'm just going over it with Mom now.
I actually really like Ottawa. I used to go there a lot as a kid because my mom's best friend Julia and her family live there. I like the old-world feel of Ottawa, and I like the museums. Parliament doesn't really float my boat or anything, but the history of the place and of my country I definitely enjoy.
I look forward to taking pictures this weekend, even if the weather isn't nice. If it's really cold I'll probably limit my movement to places that I can catch a bus back to Julia's house. They live in Barhaven, a suburb of Ottawa that isn't exactly close to the downtown core.
Anyways, I'm excited to get away for a weekend. I haven't been away for real (longer than a day trip, I mean) since I went to the cottage over Labour Day weekend and I think this will be good for my head.


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