Tuesday, October 28, 2008

November dreams

This image is something I'll be referring back to constantly starting this coming Saturday. I registered at the National Novel Writing Month website last week in hopes that I will actually write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. With a TA strike looming, the possibility of reaching that goal is getting more and more real.
Nanowrimo is a fascination I've been courting since 2 years ago when a friend of mine tried it. He didn't succeed, but the idea of actually sitting down and writing in your spare time with the goal of 175 pages amazed me.
I don't have a plan yet; I figured this would be an exercise in using my imagination and letting go of my type-A tendencies to edit the living shit out of everything I write. Maybe I'll come up with something stunning and glorious as a result. Or maybe it will be absolute crap. All I know is that I want to do this and I want to succeed. This is important to me when a lot of things this year have suddenly become unimportant. I really want it to work out.
That means I need cheerleaders. Does anyone want to be my cheerleader?



Rohit said...

Yay Laura!

Unknown said...

I am always your best cheerleader. Go for it and make no excuses.