Around this time of year I start to get festive. Most people do, when it comes down to it, but I have a feeling my festivity isn't like other people's . Since I wasn't raised celebrating Christmas, it's not the religious aspect that attracts me (and there's stating the obvious!) but rather the sparkle and shine of it all. Gifts are great, but I prefer the sales because they mean I can get a necessary item for better value. This year it's either a television set or a dishwasher. I have a feeling that in terms of necessity, the dishwasher is going to win.
Sarah and Mom decorated the main floor for the holidays yesterday and it looks so warm and inviting. The little tree is all lit up on the buffet, the stair railing is adorned with gold tinsel (the kind NOT dangerous to stupid cats) and gorgeous red ornaments are hanging on almost invisible threat from the chandelier, making them look like they're floating above the holly-print tablecloth and pine-themed centrepiece. I'll take pictures. It looks great.
Today the weather is crummy and it makes me not want to go outside, but I told myself I would go to the gym and since I didn't go with mom in the morning, I need to go now. I figure I'll hit the library on my way back and pick up a few DVDs, and then clean my room a little once I'm home and put in some laundry. There's my play-by-play of the day. Oh, and I have work at 6 where I'll be buying a tiny Christmas tree for the family room for exactly $2. Good times.
Mom leaves for Edmonton on Thursday. I want to go with her, but since I can't I hope she has a really great time.
Jingling and cringling (whatever that means),