The weather gods took my hint, the jerks. What a gorgeous day!!!!!!!! But tragic in that I didn't actually go outside to enjoy it until 7 in the evening. I have a Shakespeare exam on Sunday night and I had some girls over to study today, so I spent the day inside. As I said, tragic.
So today I took the most interesting picture of Emily on my phone. I came upstairs to deposit my computer back on my desk, and the kittyface was on my bed. Not unusual, as she likes to immerse herself in anything that smells like me, but she was sitting in what I like to call the "stuffed turkey" pose. Both of my cats do it and it's so interesting to watch them. They sit down on all fours like an Egyptian sphynx, but instead of stretching their legs out in front of them, they tuck them right underneath their chests, causing them to resemble a stuffed turkey. Emily's version of the turkey is decidedly smaller than Xander's, but she looked so amazingly neat and tidy in that position. She was on the corner of my bed, and the contrast between her black fur and the aqua-coloured jersey sheets was stark. She's so lovely. I want my friend Nazia to come photograph her.
Anyways, tomorrow is another LOVELY day and I plan to spend most of it outside in my sideyard, cleaning out the garbage. I have to break at noon because I'm going out to sushi with my dad (GASP! I know, don't lecture me, I'm only doing it so he'll leave me alone for a while) and then we'll get back at it. It will be so nice to have a clear space to walk through to get to the front yard.
Happy spring, everyone!
Happy spring, indeed. Isn't it amazing what happens when winter finally leaves? It's amazing beyond belief. I love your yard. I love your Xander. I love the turkey poses I did not get to capture..but I love them nonetheless.
Do you have any idea how big the smile on my face was when I read this and realized someone actually thinks about my photography other than when I'm threatening with my blog link? No, it was bigger than that. No, keep guessing. Yes---no. Bigger.
I had a feeling this week I would be able to call you and ask you if you could model for me. But it turns out I had some dr/dentist appts to take care of. And sleep to catch up on. Are you taking summer school?? You're the #1 person I'm dying to model right now (over the age of 6 months..I have 4 babies on my waiting list first. I'm sorry. And they're all
i still love you. a lot. :)
Yes, it was necessary for me to write that much. It's me making up for not replying to your mail .
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