Sunday, July 12, 2009


So I now have a widget at the bottom of this web page that is counting down to my departure for parts unknown, AKA London, England. 15 days and counting. HOW DID IT GET SO CLOSE???

I'm nervous but excited. I have so much reading to do! Time to shower and hit the books.


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Oh, and I also graduated on Monday

I almost forgot, I also graduated on Monday. I guess the excitement from the weekend preceding sort of detracted from the actual event. Nevertheless, I marched across that stage to the cheers of my friends and accepted my Bachelor of Education gratefully.
Now I'm finished :)


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Feels like home to me

So I spent the weekend with my family in Edmonton. We were there celebrating my grandmother's 85th birthday in what was basically a 48-hour party, though the official shindig was only 4 hours long. It was amazing, I got to see my old boss and my Edmonton friends and have great visits with my family and see some people I hadn't seen in over 9 years.
Feels like home to me.


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