Hey, so...my mom yelled at me to post something new on my blog. Here it is.
My university has suspended all academic activity due to a strike put on by CUPE 3903, the union that the TAs, GAs and contract faculty belong to. I'm also banned from my teaching placement because the Ontartio Federation of Teachers considers our attendance to be a form of crossing the picket lines and will not allow it. A lot of my friends are really upset about this strike and the lack of classes, but I think it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I won't go into the details about why it's so excellent, but I will tell you what I've accomplished since it started 2 weeks ago:
Remember Nanowrimo? Well, I've written more than 35,000 words of my novel so far. I have a lovely protagonist named Poppy Thomson, and delicious love interest named Coll Finlay, and a host of friends, co-workers and acquaintances to shake things up. If I submit what I've written for counting between November 25th and 30th, one of Nanowrimo's corporate sponsers, a self-publishing website called Createspace, will publish my manuscript in paperback form and I will have my very own book to carry around in my backpack and whip out to brag about to perfect strangers. That also means that my friends and cheerleaders will be able to read the finished product.
I've also cleaned my room (slightly), baked a batch of cookies or two, and caught up on my sleep. Those are pretty big accomplishments considering I was absolutely unable to do any of it while school was still happening. Weird.
Now I'm faced with a bit of a problem, though; I was writing like gangbusters up until yesterday, and then I got distracted by some FESA stuff and a meeting and forgetting my laptop charging cords in the Senate Chambers overnight (never fear, I retrieved them this morning), and now I'm suffering from... dun dun duuuuuuun...
WRITER'S BLOCK! Oh those dreaded words!!!! Nanowrimo sends out pep talks by famous authors throughout the month and today's pep talk was from the lady who wrote the book
White Oleander. She said that whenever she is really stuck, she gets her protagonist into trouble. So that`s what I`m doing. I don`t know what I`m going to do yet, other than try to figure out why my apostrophe key isn`t working properly, but she`s going to get in some sort of crazy trouble very soon.
Wish her luck!!